Happy Birthday

Posted by Kirby Turner on March 31, 2003

It’s been a year since I changed thecave.com to a weblog, and it’s been interesting to watch how it has evolved from what I thought would be more technical related posting to more personal postings. I guess it’s a direct reflection of what is going on in my life. My job has been anything but technical over the last six months or so, which may explain the lack of tech postings. On the other hand, the personal postings have been well received by my friends and family who check the site on a regular basis.

When I first setup this weblog last year, it was basically static HTML with some ASP. Today, it’s a full blown ASP.NET application using C# with an XML backend. It also exposes Web services such as the one for the daily snow dumps. The site has given me the opportunity to not only keep in touch with friends and family, but it has given me the opportunity to do something I rarely do at work. And that is to write code; something I really enjoy doing.

I’m curious to see what will happen over the next 12 months and how I will evolve the software for the site. For example, I have two other sites, melanieandkirby.com and wastedboarding.com, which are based on the same software. This work is giving me ideas for creating a framework for certain types of web applications. Who knows. Maybe it’s time to port geeklogs.com to ASP.NET.

Thank you to all who have visited this site over the last years. And special thanks to those continue to return on a regular basis. Your encouragement gives me motivation to do more.

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