Day 0: The Commute Begins

Posted by Kirby Turner on February 1, 2003

Day 0: The Commute Begins:

It’s the day before WASTED II and some of us have already made our ways to Vancouver. Melanie jumped an early flight from Salt Lake City, while Joe and I commuted from the Big Apple (different planes and times though). And even as I type this message, Tom is still enjoying his flight from Memphis. He forgot his passport and had to take a later flight…after returning home to pick it up. (Hint, hint: Bring your passport if you are flying to Vancouver.)

Melanie and I enjoyed a nice dinner and a few beers from a local brew pub. Joe is visiting family. Or at least I am assuming he is. Tomorrow is the big day. The first day of WASTED II. Day 1! And all we can think of is returning to the Village. Well, Tom may be thinking “How am I going to get to the hotel now that I am 8 hours late.”

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