
My hideout on the Internet

My Backpacks

Ten years ago I had over 30 backpacks and bags. I was what you might call a bag whore. But I decided to downsize. I got rid of almost all my bags, keeping only a few that served multiple purposes. For example, my GORUCK GR1 became my every day carry, my laptop bag, and my travel bag. In fact, after buying my GR1 I told my wife it will likely be the last backpack I ever buy.

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My Private Snowshoe Trail

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Beautiful View in Stowe This Morning

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A Moonlit Night

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Slab of Snow

A slab of snow hanging from the roof visible through a window.

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Snow Lights

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First Blog Post of 2020

Wow! It’s nearly the end of 2020 and I’m making my first blog post of the year. It’s been more than a year since my last post. There’s no excuse for going this long without a post, but I have one anyways. I broke my local install in Jekyll, which is the software I use to generate this website. And I’ve been too busy with work to make the time to fix the issues. But I started a 2-week vacation yesterday and thought, “I should fix my blog site.”

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Happy Firecracker Day

Happy Firecracker Day!

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In The Notch

Enjoyed my walk in the notch.

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One And Done

One and done snowboarding this morning. I decided I would enjoy hiking through the woods more. And I did.

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