
My hideout on the Internet

First Two Trips with GORUCK GR1

I returned from my second trip using the GR1, and I can now say the GORUCK GR1 is now my favorite everyday backpack. My latest trip was to WWDC, and the GR1 kicked ass. I packed everything I needed for the week in the ruck, and I used it as my daypack each day at the conference. I especially like how slim the bag is even when stuffed full. I had no problems sliding it in and out from under the seat on the plane. And the zippers are quiet enough when opening and closing as to not disturb those sitting around me at the conference during talks.

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Only 9 more pounds to go

I weighed myself today. I’m 11 pounds lighter than I was 7 weeks ago, and I’ve lost a little more than an inch off my waist.

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GORUCK GR1 Review - First Impressions

IMG 6146 My GORUCK GR1 backpack arrived today, and so far I’m very impressed with it. The construction of this bag is top notch, and the bag screams quality. I love the minimalistic look and it’s low profile. It is a little stiff coming right out of the box, but it’s already loosening up after packing and unpacking it a few times and wearing it around the house.

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The Cave Tent

I’m not sure I would buy this tent, but I do like the name. An inflatable tent does sound interesting, but at 11.5 pounds plus a hand pump, I’m not sure it’s for me. Then again, my current “big” tent does take 5 to 10 minutes to setup and teardown.

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Things I've Done This Weekend That I Normally Don't Do

I’m in the final stagings of writing my book, and to help out, the wife gave me the okay to spend a few days in Vermont along. No wife. No kid. Just me and my laptop.

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Welcome Back

Hey! What’s going on here? A new blog post after more than a year and a half?

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Salem The Bike City

Salem Mass is often known as The Witch City, but it’s also trying hard to become a bike city. One example of this comes from today’s announcement about a free bike sharing program here in Salem. The city has also made improvements to off-road bike paths and recently completed the striping of on-street bike lanes. The problem, however, I have with biking in Salem is with the North Shore drivers.

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Pictures from Recent Long Trail Hike

I finally got around to uploading pictures from my recent Long Trail hike. Thanks Shawn for taking the pictures.

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My Thought on the FaceBook Privacy Issue

It’s the Internet. If you post it then you are sharing it with someone. And who knows what that someone will do with it. You want privacy then get off the Internet and stop sharing.

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Domain Name Registration Scam

I received an email today telling me a company is attempting to use my company name to register a .asia domain name. My first call to action was to check with my preferred domain name registrar to see if the .asia name was actually available, which it is. Next I searched to see if there are any rules or restrictions regarding a U.S. based companying owning a .asia domain name. Then finally I decided to search the name of the company attempting to register the .asia domain name. Turns out it is a scam.

This scam almost got me. It wasn’t until I searched the literal LYP International co., Inc that I discovered this insightful blog posting by Joe Wein about domain registration scams coming from China.

Don’t you just love the power of the Internet?

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