
My hideout on the Internet

Congratulations to the Kid

A big congratulations to Rowan, aka the kid, for graduating from pre-school. He’s been at Run-a-Muck for three and a half years. Seems strange that he’s done - though officially his last day is tomorrow. I’m very proud of the kid.

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I'm an Idiot

I am, what I like to call certain individuals, an idiot. Yep. I too am an idiot.

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We're Moving to a Ski Town...Finally

It’s official. It’s really going to happen. We’re moving to a ski town! We’re moving to Stowe, Vermont, in August.

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Kayaking the Ipswich River

Yesterday I did a 16 mile paddle on the Ipswich River with my buddy Shawn. It was the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning. We put in at Thunder Bridge, made our way east through the Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary, and finally stopped in the town of Ipswich.

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Our Visit to the Eiffel Tower

Melanie was working a flight to Paris this week, and as luck would have it there were seats available on the flight. So Rowan and I decided to join her. Rowan has wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower for as long as I can remember, so that’s what we did on this trip. We flew to Paris, went to the Eiffel Tower, then flew back home. Pictures from our short trip are available here.

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Simple Bank, My Kind of Banking

Earlier today I posted on ADN that I love banking with Simple. My friend Daniel asked if I could summarize in 250 or less what sets Simple apart from other banks. I did my best to summarize what I thought was different/better about Simple, but I still felt a blog post would be better.

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What the Hell

That’s right. What the hell?

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NSSnow 2013

Last week Melanie and I had the pleasure to join 13 others in Courchevel, France, for NSSnow 2013. NSSnow is a gathering of mostly Mac and iOS developers who love to ski and snowboard, well, mostly snowboard but skiers were welcome - Melanie was the token skier at this year’s NSSnow.

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Super Long Day with the Kid

Melanie’s out of town enjoying some quality vacation time with one of her girlfriends leaving Rowan and me in Salem to enjoy some quality father son time. We made the most of it today, which has turned into a super long day.

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Our Christmas 2012

We spent Christmas in Salem this year. Mother Nature was kind and gave us a little snow this morning, but it melted by mid-afternoon. I repeated the tradition I started a few years back by smoking a turkey for dinner. It’s was delicious, but not has favor packed as it was 2 years ago. I blame it on the lack of thyme. The grocery store was all out when I went shopping.

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