Dan Counsell wrote an excellent post about removing distractions. In the post he talks about how he removed distractions by removing social media apps such as Twitter and Facebook from his iPhone. He’s done other things too such as reading a book instead of checking Twitter, and he started a “No Technology Day” on Saturdays, which is something I think I might start doing as well.
I have owned the vanity domain name kirbyturner.com for a long time, but I didn’t anything with it after buying it. That changed back when I was writing Learning iPad Programming. My publisher asked that I setup a website that talks about me, so I finally put kirbyturner.com to use. Unfortunately I never liked the look of the site. I used a bland template to create the website quickly. The site was ugly, but it served its purpose. Then Justin Williams created a new “professional web site” for himself.
On November 15, 2011, I started using my Fitbit Ultra, and after only 1157 days I have finally switched to the Fitbit One.
A number of people have recently asked if there will be a third edition of Learning iPad Programming. The short answer is no, there are no plans. There are many reasons why I decided to not update the book, but a few key reasons stand out more than others.
If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to checkout the new Rowan T website. I moved it to Jekyll, updated it with a new site template, and I’ve starting sharing more about what’s going on with Rowan…after a two and a half year hiatus. So pop over to www.rowanturner.net and see what the kid has been up to lately.
My friend, Greg Raiz, talks about using a system to achieve goals. The particular goal he wants to achieve is writing more.
Before doing some work today I decided to make some improvements to my blog site. I thought I would be playing with the site for only an hour or so, but instead it took most of the day. Typical when dealing with programming issues in an unfamiliar environment.
Despite a rainy start this morning, I was able to get in a few snowboard runs on the hill before crowd arrived. And I had great visibility top to bottom on the last two runs. I think that might be the first time this season I’ve had great visibility top to bottom.
On December 22, 2001, I was in Whistler with my friends Dave and Joe. We spent the day snowboarding, then that night we went to see the first Lord of the Rings movie. Little did I know that night would become a tradition of sorts for me.